VFA Recommended Books



May 2003 -- NOW AVAILABLE at Most Bookstores!

Ideas Triumphant: Evolution and History of the Reproductive Rights Movement


Lawrence Lader helped to change the world when his book "Abortion" in 1966 helped launch the abortion rights movement, and he became founding chair of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) from 1969 to 1975. Lader's book "RU 486" in 1971 roused the public to the importance of this new drug. As president of Abortion Rights mobilization, he organized the research that led to the drug's approval by the FDA. Now Lader's new book sums up fifty years of activism. "Ideas Triumphant" analyzes how ideas originate, how they can be turned into movements and become national policy through the courts and legislatures.


Another Must Read by Lawrence Lader!

RU 486 is a pill that ends an unwanted pregnancy quickly, safely, and without an invasive procedure. By rendering abortion a private matter between a woman and her doctor, it could fundamentally change the nature of abortion in America. Yet, although developed, tested, and administered to more than 100,000 women in France and Great Britain, it has been banned from importation to the United States. In this book, Lawrence Lader, a pioneer on behalf of reproductive rights for women (his 1966 book, Abortion, was cited nine times in the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision), tells the exciting story behind the discovery and development of this groundbreaking drug, and the controversial tale of the drug's suppression in America. Anti-abortion forces have successfully kept the drug from being imported, tested, and made available. Both the Reagan and the Bush Administrations have cooperated in this, directing the FDA to allow virtually no testing of the drug, even for its potential other benefits -in treating breast cancer , endometriosis, and certain brain tumors. As a result, American science and medicine are being held hostage to politics and ideology , and a drug that has been called by leading feminists "the moral property of women" is simply unattainable. 

In a challenging last chapter, Lawrence Lader outlines a plan to introduce RU 486 into the country at the state level. His book is essential reading for an understanding of the politics of science and medicine.

Available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon and most other bookstores!

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